
Creator: kellychambliss
Rating: K+/PG
Word Count: 887

The following drabble is set in what the lovely celta_diabolica has called "the Adela-verse." It takes place a few years after the events of the earlier Adela stories, My Journal. . . and Now That I'm Older. (FYI -- These stories feature a young American girl whose next-door neighbors, a mysterious British couple named Miranda and Stephen, bear a striking resemblance to characters many of us know as Minerva and Severus.)

Characters: Minerva McGonagall, Original Character, Severus Snape
Pairing(s): Minerva/Severus
Why You Should Check It Out:

A short, delightful interlude in Kelly Chambliss's "Adelaverse" series, featuring an "annoyed" Severus at his wry and dry best, making secretly affectionate snide remarks on people dear to him.

Spoiler Alert!

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