During the Covid shutdown, I’ve been trying to teach myself some new skills, among them, front-end web development.
I decided to try moving my fanfic website from WordPress.com to a self-hosted site and redesigning it using my new … um … skills.
So from now on, I’ll be posting fannish stuff here. You’ll find most of the stuff from my old site here: info on my stories, including the Epithalamium Series universe, writing resources, and fic and art recs.
It should be readily apparent that I am NOT a designer, but I’ve done my best to make it relatively pretty and readable. If it’s not, or if you find glaring errors, please drop me a line so I can try to fix it.
Now that the big work on the site is done, I’ll be back with the regular program of fic and art recs insterspersed with shameless self-promotion and mind droppings.
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